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Workshops | Wednesday 11 a.m.

Explore Missions Conference 2025 workshop options available on Wednesday, February 5, at 11 a.m.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Urban Catalyst logo

Loving the Foreigner Next Door: Ministry Among UPGs at Home

Urban Catalyst | Sweeting 201

God is bringing the nations to us and the Bible has a lot to say about loving the foreigner among us. Join us for this interactive workshop as we explore how to love people well while naturally pointing them to Christ. We will show you how to build bridges of trust that can withstand the weight of truth in a cross-cultural context as you organically and intentionally seek to disciple people into the kingdom.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Crossworld logo

The Greatest Injustice in the World Today

Crossworld | Sweeting 204

Of all the social injustices, which is the greatest injustice in our world today? Come discover what this injustice is and how solving this injustice holds the key to solving all the injustice in the world today.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Apex Missions logo

The Mission Starts Here: Preparing for the Unreached

Apex Missions | Sweeting 206

Reaching the unreached in the future begins with intentional steps now. Learn how to live on mission where you are while preparing for global impact. Gain tools and inspiration to answer God’s call to serve where Christ is not yet named.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency ReachGlobal logo

Panel Discussion: Engaging the Unreached in Large Urban Centers

ReachGlobal—Evangelical Free Church of America | Sweeting 209

Unreached people are not only found in remote, tribal, or Middle Eastern settings. In Latin America, major urban centers like Porto Alegre (Brazil), Montevideo (Uruguay), and Mexico City (Mexico) are providing unique opportunities to engage the unreached. In this panel discussion, a diverse group of missionaries will have an open dialogue and a Q&A about the opportunities and challenges of making disciples among unreached people in our global cities.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency TEAM logo

Mobilizing Every Disciple of Christ to Fulfill Their Mission

TEAM (with Julieta Murillo) | Sweeting 211

Hear from Julieta Murillo, who has been in overseas ministry for 30 years in places like India, Ecuador, and Costa Rica. Her passion is mobilizing Latin Americans to the mission field. Hear how she is reaching the unreached and discipling Christians with a global missional vision.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency One Challenge logo

Sports as Cross-Cultural Ministry

One Challenge | Sweeting 218

What are you passionate about? Whatever it is, God can use that passion to advance the kingdom. Discover what international sports ministry looks like and how to get involved.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency WorldVenture logo

Is the Great Commission Insufficient?

WorldVenture | Sweeting 223

Matthew 28:18–20, known as the Great Commission, is the go-to Scripture for global missions today and has been for centuries. However, roughly 30 percent of the global Christian population are considered “Great Commission” Christians. Come join us as we explore a more compelling motivation for taking the gospel to unreached people groups that will bring greater light and life to the Great Commission.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency The Christian and Missionary Alliance logo

Your First Step toward the Unreached

The Christian and Missionary Alliance | Sweeting 226

Is the unreached world as far away as we believe? How can we begin dreaming of how they may hear the message of Jesus? What pathways exist for students to join in God's mission to the ends of the earth? Join us to learn about short-term opportunities for cross-cultural experiences with people near and far and consider how God may be wanting to form you for His purposes now and not later.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Timothy Partners logo

Why We Serve God in Challenging Places

Timothy Partners | Sweeting 230

God can sometimes call us to serve Him in difficult places. We use Russia and Bangladesh as examples of why God calls us to serve in countries that are hostile to the gospel.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Heart for Lebanon logo

Choose Christ over Crisis in Lebanon

Heart for Lebanon—Middle East Center for Justice and Missions | Sweeting 233

Learn more about the complex crises in Lebanon and how years of corruption, violence, and hatred have resulted in unprecedented despair. In response, Heart for Lebanon continues to lead people to hope in Christ. Challenges will always be here in this broken, sinful world, but it’s up to us to decide if we want to live in despair or choose Christ as our only source of true hope.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Global Outreach International logo

This Means War: Fighting the Spiritual Battle in Reaching the Unreached

Global Outreach International | Sweeting 234

Prepare yourself for battle to reach the unreached by understanding your enemy. Who is he? What does he want? What are his weapons? What are his tactics? How can you defend yourself, and how can you fight?

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Entrust logo

Equipping Church Leaders for the Dark Continent (Europe)

Entrust | Sweeting 301

In this interactive workshop, we'll take a deep dive into the spiritual darkness shrouding post-Christian Europe for decades. We'll discuss the biblical role of the church in God's plan for reaching unreached people groups and brainstorm creative ways to help equip men and women to turn Europe upside down!

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Pioneers logo

The Unique Role of Women among the Unreached

Pioneers | Sweeting 317

Women have played a significant role in spreading the gospel from the birth of the church. Come hear stories of ways God has used the unique giftings of both single and married women to bridge barriers in the least-reached parts of our world. Learn how we can set the right expectations of what it might look like to reach all people groups with the gospel.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Avant logo

Seeing Scripture through the Eyes of a UPG

Avant Ministries | Sweeting 328

Our cultural preferences can create significant barriers to effectively communicating God’s Word to Unreached People Groups. This interactive workshop explores how the cultural dynamics of honor/shame, fear/power, and guilt/innocence affect how different cultures define their problem with God or the universe. These definitions, in turn, shape what biblical themes need to be emphasized in order to reach UPGs.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency JAARS logo

What Will It Take to Finish the Task?

JAARS | Sweeting 333

The Bible promises that one day a great multitude of people from every nation, tribe, and language will worship the Lord together. Join us for a biblical and historical exploration of the Great Commission and a look at the present reality of the task remaining. Discover the barriers that exist to reaching the unreached and hear stories from those who are actively reducing those barriers.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Across Nations

Are There Unreached People Groups in the USA?

Across Nations | Sweeting 335

While we must focus on penetrating the last frontiers could it be some of the last frontiers are clearly invisible and overlooked? Could it be that the next wave of mission mobilization would be in partnership with Indigenous Peoples that may not even be reached yet? This workshop will introduce some clearly unreached indigenous tribes in America, (Pueblo tribes in the SW) and why the gospel has not been embraced. We willalso touch on how these peoples are poised in a unique way as partners in taking the mobilization challenge.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency OMF logo

The Remaining Need for Missions in East Asia

OMF | Sweeting 343

Over 50 percent of the world’s population lives in Asia. According to the World Christian Database, 86 percent of the world’s Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims also do not personally know a Christian. This workshop will highlight what God is doing and the ongoing need to plant the gospel in all its fullness in East Asia.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Pioneer Bible Translators logo

The Final Frontier?

Pioneer Bible Translators | Sweeting 345

From Babel to Pentecost to the throne of God, the nations are described in terms of languages. For the first time in history, there are less than 1,000 groups left that need a translation of the Bible in their native language. What are the next steps for this work to begin?

Missions Conference Workshop Agency TeachBeyond logo

Teach the Nations, Reach the Nations

TeachBeyond | Sweeting 347

Many countries are closing their doors to traditional missionaries, yet the need for education remains urgent. Whether or not you are an education major, join TeachBeyond for this workshop about how God is at work to bring the hope of the gospel to the nations through education.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency World Team logo

The Cham—A Muslim Minority Group in a Buddhist Country

World Team | Sweeting 349

Cambodia is a Buddhist country that is generally unreached. The church has been growing in this nation, but much work still needs to be done. Within this context live the Cham, a Muslim minority group. In this workshop, we will learn about their history, their need for the gospel, and how we can pray for them.

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