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Workshops | Wednesday Noon

Explore Missions Conference 2025 workshop options available on Wednesday, February 5, at Noon.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Call of Hope logo

Ministry to Muslims in Conflict Areas

Call of Hope | Sweeting 201

Call of Hope president Stefano Fehr will explore the difficulties and opportunities of sharing the gospel in dangerous areas of the world engulfed in war and violence. He will share amazing stories of how displaced refugees and even terrorists have come to faith under very challenging circumstances.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency SIM USA logo

Teaching Cross-Culturally in School

SIM USA | Sweeting 204

Most schools contain students from 8–25 cultures. Educating students is important but not the ultimate goal. Understanding various cultures will make you more effective in your teaching. You are not there to just teach math, english, or social studies, you are there to teach and reach students on a personal and spiritual level.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Child Evangelism Fellowship of Chicago logo

You Are Not Too Young: Bringing the Gospel to Preschoolers

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Chicago | Sweeting 206

Presenting the gospel to preschoolers can be challenging because they are often considered too young to understand the gospel. However, we believe that this age group is full of young hearts seeking to understand the world around them. In this workshop, we'll take a look at some creative methods that you can use to help them connect to the amazing truths of Scripture.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency SEND International logo

Being an Introvert Is Not a Sin!

SEND International  | Sweeting 209

Just like extroverts, introverted people can be effective in ministry. In fact, in many ways, the world of missions is set up more for introverts. Come and learn more about how introverts and extroverts can be used in advancing God's kingdom all over the world!

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Alliance for Transatlantic Theological Training logo

Designing a Church to Reach Post-Christian Thinkers

Alliance for Transatlantic Theological Training | Sweeting 211

The local church is still God's primary means for reaching and discipling every culture. This includes a post-Christian culture where people have rejected Christ, but not many of the values found in the Bible. This workshop will give you several strategies for designing a local church to reach post-Christian thinkers.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Faith Academy logo

Fundraising as Ministry—A Christ-Centered Approach to Raising Resources for Christian Ministries

Faith Academy | Sweeting 218

Christian resource-raising is not solely about securing transactions or gifts. We believe it's about encouraging spiritual transformation and helping people become givers rich toward God. This workshop is designed to encourage followers of Jesus Christ to consider fundraising as a ministry based on 1 Corinthians 3:5–9. When God is the Fundraiser and we are His ambassadors, giving will change from a burden to a blessing as we help ministry partners become joyful, faithful stewards.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Village Missions logo

Sixty Million Outliers

Village Missions | Sweeting 223

Matthew 28:18–20, known as the Great Commission, is the go-to Scripture for global missions today and has been for centuries. However, roughly 30 percent of the global Christian population are considered “Great Commission” Christians. Come join us as we explore a more compelling motivation for taking the gospel to unreached people groups that will bring greater light and life to the Great Commission.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Avant logo

Wills like Mills

Avant Ministries | Sweeting 230

In 1806, while huddled under a haystack with four other young men, Samuel Mills declared of pioneering gospel work, "We can do this, if we will." The unfortunate reality, however, is that today, many young men don't will to serve in gospel work. Why do so few young men become missionaries, and what can be done to turn the tide? We will explore these questions and ways to encourage and strengthen young men to face the challenges of the mission field.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency North American Indigenous Ministries logo

Spiritual Warfare: Stories from the Field

North America Indigenous Ministries | Sweeting 233

Demonic activity or cultural expression?

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Serge logo

Belong, Believe, Bless: Reaching the Unreached in London

Serge | Sweeting 234

While tourists may travel to see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, the real London is shaped by residents speaking more than 300 languages, representing nearly every culture, religion, and ethnicity in the world. Come and learn about Serge teams in various boroughs partnering with local leaders, planting culturally relatable churches, and equipping local believers. Hear stories from missionaries working among the unreached and discover how you can participate.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency TEAM logo

When You Plan Your Life and God Hands You Something Else!

TEAM | Sweeting 301

What are your plans after graduation? Whatever those plans may be, God often surprises us with what actually happens. In this workshop, we will examine vocation, or calling, and how it relates to a life lived intentionally within God's mission to the world. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God's workmanship, created to do good works that God prepares for us in advance. Let's explore together what God has called us to and the ministry opportunities that may lie ahead.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Greater Europe Mission

Why Europe: The Overlooked Mission Field?

Greater Europe Mission | Sweeting 317

Over the decades, what Europe once knew regarding Jesus and the gospel has, over time, been forgotten. Today, Europe is home to fewer Christ followers than any continent on the planet. GEM's vision is to see that change. Come hear about the needs and opportunities for God's kingdom to awaken in Europe.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Anglican Frontier Missions logo

Missions in the Global Anglican Church

Anglican Frontier Missions | Sweeting 328

Anglicans have never claimed to be the exclusive church but only part of the body of Christ. Nonetheless, the global Anglican Communion is currently the third largest ecclesial group of Christians in the world. This workshop highlights Anglicanism's birth, development, and contemporary state. This workshop will also describe some of Anglicanism's key distinctives and highlight opportunities for you to get missionally involved. Please join us!

Missions Conference Workshop Agency The Friends of Israel logo

Student Ministry Opportunities as Friends of Israel

The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry | Sweeting 333

Do you have a passion for God's Word and a compassion for God's chosen people? Join us as we take a deeper dive into Jewish ministry. Experience how to be a friend of Isreal through education, evangelism, edification, exploration, engagement, and experience!

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Cru logo

Responding to Objections and Questions about the Faith

Cru | Sweeting 335

As followers of Jesus, we receive both objections to and questions about our Christian faith. We can respond in many ways—but what will we say? How can we reply in a way that effectively points people to their need for Christ and the hope we have in Him? Join us to gain practical insight for these interactions. You'll hear stories and become more bold, compassionate, and precise in your spiritual conversations.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency GoCorps logo

How Storytelling Concretizes the Gospel across Cultural Lines

GoCorps | Sweeting 343

We believe that every Christian can help tell Christ's story to reach across cultural boundaries for the gospel. Storytelling is an incredibly powerful tool Jesus used in the large majority of His teaching. In this workshop, we'll learn to follow in our Lord's footsteps of connecting with others through telling stories that change lives.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Crossworld logo

I Do Not Feel Called—Now What?

Crossworld | Sweeting 345

Not a fan of Missions Conference? Do you perhaps feel a hint of guilt because you do not feel called to the mission field? If so, we invite you to join us as we can help you discover your place in missions.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency Rural Home Missionary Association logo

Developing Leaders in Your Church

Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA) | Sweeting 347

There are common elements for developing leaders in all churches—but we know there is not a universal method that works in all churches. In this workshop, we will first explore these common elements and help you identify the development system that best fits your church based on its culture and size.

Missions Conference Workshop Agency WEC International logo

Art, Music, Drama, and UPGs—Using Your Creative Gifts to Share the Love of Jesus

WEC International | Sweeting 349

Sometimes the "heart language" of a people is better spoken through non-traditional means like art, music, and drama. Discovering the creative arts of other cultures can open doors for connection with their people. This workshop isn't just for professional musicians and artists, but for anyone willing to use their creative gifts to reach UPGs. We'll look at a few examples of how this is being done as well as some current opportunities.

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