Workshops | Thursday 11 a.m.
Explore Missions Conference 2025 workshop options available on Thursday, February 6 at 11 a.m.

Planting Churches among the Unreached: How to Reach UPGs
Urban Catalyst | Sweeting 201
How do we make the name of Jesus known among those who have never heard? This interactive workshop explores the unique challenges, strategies, and resources needed to reach unreached people groups (UPGs). Gain a deeper understanding of why these groups are difficult to reach and hear the real-life stories, challenges, and successes of those working among them.

Following Those Who Have Gone before Us
WorldVenture | Sweeting 205
The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 15:20 that his ambition was to preach Christ where He had not been named so as to not build on another’s foundation. Join us as we journey through the past few hundred years of history, exploring the lives of those who have gone before us. Discover what their example means for us today as we take the gospel to people groups where Christ has yet to be named.

Redefining Missions for a Greater Reach to the Unreached
Ambassadors Fellowship (with Rev. Dr. Virgil Amos) | Sweeting 209
This workshop highlights the urgent need to redefine missions to the unreached, recognizing that current methodologies are not fully accomplishing the task. Through a biblical lens, we will explore how to reshape our approach to missions to bring about a greater harvest in our generation. Drawing on extensive mission experience, particularly among the unreached, the presenters will provide practical insights and impactful examples. The session will include case studies showcasing how God is moving among Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim nations, offering fresh perspectives on reaching these communities.

Engaging Japan as the Body of Christ: A Multi-Agency Conversation on How to Reach the Second Largest Unreached People Group
Mission to the World | Sweeting 211
MTW, TEAM, SEND, World Venture, and other agencies need each other and enjoy working together in Japan. Come, learn, and ask questions from a multi-agency panel who work together to reach Japan. How do agencies look at the same country in different ways? How do they work together, divide the tasks, and collaborate to reach an unreached people group? What are the different strengths and why would a missionary candidate choose one agency over the other?

Ministering to Families Representing the Persecuted Church
Faith Academy | Sweeting 218
Christian Education is critical to followers of Jesus Christ around the world. However, in some countries, it is illegal. Discover the challenges and opportunities of educating children from persecuted families. Learn how Faith Academy serves families who have fled their home countries in pursuit of Christian education.

Prayer and the Internet: Strategically Reaching the Unreached
OneWay Ministries | Sweeting 222
It is possible to reach unbelievers for the gospel from your dorm room? Prayer is a powerful tool that we are all called to. YOU have the opportunity to engage with the three billion unreached people worldwide. The director of Prayercast will highlight videos and inspiring testimonies of God miraculously answering prayer. Discover how to use technology and prayer to share God's heart for the nations and play an active role in advancing His kingdom.

For the Sake of the Not-yet Church, the Gospel Must Be Mobilized
Christar | Sweeting 223
What does it take for a least-reached person to trust in Christ? This workshop explores the transformative power of engaging with Christ and the steps needed to bring gospel-centered change to least-reached communities.

Vision: A Missional Leader's Greatest Value
The Timothy Initiative | Sweeting 225
Discover how seeing your ministry through God’s perspective provides focus, motivation, and intentionality. Learn strategies to make disciples and plant churches among the unreached.

Moody Alumni—Church Planting in Hard Places
Pioneers | Sweeting 230
Hear a Moody alum share experiences of working among Amdo Tibetans in a Buddhist context. Learn how God works through challenges and join in prayer for the Tibetan Buddhist world.

What Does Islam Say about the Jews?
Call of Hope | Sweeting 233
Stefano Fehr, president of Call of Hope, will explain the Muslim's view of the Jews based on Islamic teachings. If you want to gain a better understanding of world events, don't miss this seminar!

Reaching the Last Language Communities
Wycliffe Bible Translators | Sweeting 234
Reflect on Ghanaian theologian Kwame Bediako’s definition of an unreached people group and their connection to Scripture access. Explore current statistics, challenges, and inspiring stories of how Bible translation empowers local churches to disciple their communities.

UPG—Slovenia: Hear, Pray, Taste, and See
Avant Ministries | Sweeting 301
Slovenia has only 0.2-percent evangelicals. Almost 90 percent of Slovenia's counties are still without a single biblical church. Fewer than 2,000 evangelicals in a country of 2.1 million people means Slovenia is a UPG and needs more missionaries to help plant healthy, reproducing churches. Hear personal stories from Madeline Svanda, a Moody MK, enjoy Slovenian treats, and learn how to pray for sLOVEnia!

When There Is Little Fruit
South Asian Friendship Center | Sweeting 317
Hear stories from global partners with decades of experience ministering to the unreached people group in Pakistan’s Sindh province. Discover how God opens doors in surprising ways for gospel impact.

The Role of the Church in Crisis: Lebanon
Heart for Lebanon—Middle East Center for Justice and Missions | Sweeting 328
Learn how Hope Evangelical Church is responding to Lebanon’s crises and reaching people groups that have historically clashed.

Untrained Pastors and Church Leaders? They Exist in Abundance!
Entrust | Sweeting 333
Imagine living in the hills of an Asian country and being handed pastoral leadership of a newly formed church of new believers—simply because you speak the local language or own a Bible. How would you shepherd the flock, equip them to reach others, and train future leaders? In this session, we’ll explore practical possibilities for navigating these challenges. This scenario is not hypothetical—it’s the reality for 2.2 million people around the world today. Join us to discover how you can make an impact in similar contexts.

Reaching Santa Catarina Albaradas
Liebenzell USA | Sweeting 343
In Mexico, 27 indigenous groups remain unreached, many without access to any portion of the Bible in their own language. Among these, 260 people groups have less than 3-percent evangelical representation and no local church. Additionally, 83 languages in Mexico still lack any Bible translation. In 2002, a local church in Guadalajara embraced the challenge of reaching an unreached people group in a small village in Oaxaca. This session recounts the inspiring story of what has unfolded over the last 23 years.

The 10/40 Window: Unreached or Unreachable?
English Teaching Agency (Pseudonym) | Sweeting 345
Today, 3.4 billion people in the world will live and die without ever meeting someone who can tell them about Jesus. These are the "unreached,” but does that mean they are unreachable? This session offers encouragement through a biblical framework for understanding and approaching the unreached. Discover practical ways to engage the unengaged and bring hope to hard-to-reach places around the globe.

From Germany to the Unreached
TeachBeyond | Sweeting 347
How does serving in small-town Germany impact the world? Trace the connections from Black Forest Academy, an international Christian school in southwestern Germany, to unreached people groups around the world.

Short-Term Ministry for Long-Term Impact in UPG Communities
ReachGlobal—Evangelical Free Church of America | Sweeting 349
Can short-term engagement truly create lasting gospel impact in indigenous communities? Honduran missionary Carlos Tejada draws on his extensive experience with the Cabecar people in Costa Rica to explore how short-term efforts can effectively and contextually communicate the gospel to indigenous communities, paving the way for long-term transformation.