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Watch the recordings of the sessions you got to enjoy live as well as the sessions you did not get to participate in from Called 2024 below. All links will be available up for six months after the event. We encourage you to come back and enjoy all of the sessions.

Please note: We're so sorry, but due to a technical malfunction, neither Cyndi Leamon's nor Gloria Grell's sessions were recorded. We realize this is disappointing, but appreciate your understanding.

Main Sessions   Breakout Sessions

Main Sessions

Morning General Session

Afternoon General Session


Breakout Sessions

How to Write and Publish Your Bible Study

Asheritah CiuCiu

Looking Through the Windows: How to Meet Hurting Women in their Window of Tolerance

Mary Hendrickson

She-ology: Thinking Theologically about Women in Church Leadership

Christy Spader

The Non-Anxious Female Leader

Cathie Ostapchuk

Reading Scripture Well

Raychel McKelvy

Single and Not Sorry: A Calling to the Church

Ellen Wildman

Creating a Community Culture: Building Bonds, Breaking Loneliness

Deb Gorton

God's Story, Your Story: Telling Your Story with Jesus as the Hero

Keri Early

Life on Life: Discipleship with Young Adults and Teens

Ashley Armijo

Perfection Not Required: God Uses People in Imperfect Circumstances to Do His Perfect Work

Elizabeth Mitchell

Caring for your Marriage in Ministry

Sandy Malone

A Theological Vision for the Pastor's Wife

Olivia Ruhl

The Fourfold Nature of Shalom

Jessica Thompson



Moody Bible Institute 
820 N. LaSalle Blvd. Chicago, IL 60610 
(800) DL-MOODY

Moody Bible Institute

Moody exists to proclaim the gospel and equip people to be biblically grounded, practically trained, and to engage the world through gospel-centered living. In short, we prepare people for their purpose and calling!